Homemade Pickles and Relish

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This resource is a must have for any beginning canner who desires to make homemade pickles and relishes. Packed with 27 pages of valuable information, this guide highlights pickling equipment, ingredients and a variety of recipes.

The details..

"Homemade Pickles & Relishes" by Barbara H. Ingham is part of the University of Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension's "Wisconsin Safe Food Preservation Series." This bulletin provides research-tested recipes for preserving garden produce through pickling, including cucumbers, vegetables, fruits, and relishes.

The book covers two types of pickling methods: fermented or crock pickles and fresh pack or quick process pickles. Fermented pickles are produced by curing cucumbers in a salt brine for several weeks while fresh pack or quick process pickles use vinegar as an acid preservative instead of fermentation. The author emphasizes that using high-quality ingredients and following tested recipes precisely are essential to producing safe and delicious homemade pickle products.

This bulletin also includes information on equipment needed for both types of pickle preparation as well as instructions on processing in a boiling water canner or alternative low-temperature pasteurization processes. Additionally, it offers tips on sterilizing jars properly, ensuring adequate headspace when filling jars with product before sealing them tightly shut so they don't fail during storage due to improper seals.

Overall,"Homemade Pickles & Relishes" is an informative resource for anyone interested in learning how to make their own preserved foods safely at home.

Resource Info

Page count: 27
Size: 573kb
File Type: pdf


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